Since 1965 we have manufactured vanes and subassemblies for vane pumps in vehicle power-steering systems. cb is a worldwide leading large-scale supplier in this sector. The product range is being continually extended due to new developments in the automotive industry.
Numerous different types of steel – such as bearing steel and high-speed steel – are used in the production of these vane-pump components with their diverse radii. The dimensions are equally varied – all the way down to the tiniest pump vanes ever built!
From cb you not only get individual components but also entire subassemblies – and you can rely on their function one hundred percent
For these filigree components for roller vane pumps, minimal length tolerances and precise right angles are of key importance – and are a daily task in cb production. It's worth remembering that we produce the tiniest versions ever made!
Month after month we supply customers all over the world with several million more precision components, blanking parts and fine blanking parts. Our focus here lies primarily on the automotive industry.